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Sovereign Silver 2 oz Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray

Sovereign Silver 2 oz Nasal Spray
Sovereign Silver
List Price: $15.99
Your Price: $12.79
You Save: $3.20
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Sovereign Silver® 2 oz Nasal Spray - Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM - 10 ppm
To support your immune system for all of its needs*, choose Sovereign Silver® Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM - the #1 selling silver supplement in America. It has a unique combination of 5 attributes no other manufacturer can match:

Actively Charged (Bio-Active)
As corroborated by a university study, Sovereign Silver® contains 96% actively charged silver particles (positively charged [Ag+] silver ions), which renders it at least 34 times more powerful than other brands.

Easily Absorbed
Sovereign Silver’s® unprecedented average particle size of 0.0008 microns, or 0.8 nanometers (validated by Transmission Electron Microscopy), allows for easy utilization by - and excretion from - the cells and body.

Less Is More
Our ultra-small particle size also results in a greater silver surface area. That’s why even with a low concentration of 10 ppm (parts per million), Sovereign Silver® is still much more effective than brands that contain up to 500 ppm!

Perfectly Safe*
Sovereign Silver® is formulated to be safe for the whole family when used as directed. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver® still falls below the EPA daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD).

99.999% Pure
Sovereign Silver has only 2 ingredients: silver and pharmaceutical-grade purified water. It does not contain added silver compounds (silver salts or proteins) that render other silver products ineffective and possibly dangerous. In addition, to maintain product purity and integrity, it is packaged in non-leaching glass bottles.

Adults: 20 spraysΐ
60 lbs and under: 10 spraysΐ

Maintenance*: Once daily.
Immune-Building*: 3 times daily.
Long-Term Immune Support*: 5 times daily.
Short-Term Immune Support*: 7 times daily.

Why Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM over any other form of silver?
Over the past 2 decades, the term “colloidal silver” has been dramatically polluted by manufacturers that produce (knowingly or unknowingly) silver products contaminated by the presence of salts, proteins, compounds, stabilizers, and oxidation - all of which serve to degrade and diminish the bio-activity of the silver.

A Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM, represents the ultimate refinement and purity of the colloidal silver category. It is the suspension of a high content (96%) of positively charged silver ions (Ag+) in only pharmaceutical-grade purified water. This is not to be confused with ionic silver, an inferior form of neutral silver/silver salt that is in solution (dissolved) rather than in a colloidal suspension. The positively charged silver ions (cations) in Bio-Active Silver HydrosolTM remain in suspension, maintaining their fully active state for use within the body.

“Sovereign Silver is the immune support supplement that outperforms the others. I know. I use it myself. I give it to my grandchildren. It’s the only one I recommend to customers.”*
- Linda K. Gifford, Nutritional Consultant and owner since 1982 of Earthen Treasures Natural Food Market, Berne, IN

“I can always rely on your high-quality silver hydrosol.”*
- Dr. Kenneth O’Neal, M.D., 36 years service as Medical Director of the E.R. Department in a Houston-area hospital

“It is without hesitation that I support and applaud Natural-Immunogenics Corp. for its safety and quality in making an excellent and pure silver hydrosol product for public use.”
- Dr. Dana Flavin, M.D., Former Assistant to the Associate Bureau Director, Division of Toxicology, FDA

“After using my first bottle years ago, I found it replaced a number of my favorite holistic products. You can put my name on record as proof of its extraordinary qualities. Sovereign Silver was an answer to my prayers… and I don’t use that word lightly.”*
- Diane. A., Valencia, CA

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